martes, 4 de enero de 2011


"Le Roi Soleil" is a french musical which I knew about a year ago thanks to a friend.She sent me its DVD, and I fell in love with it instantly!Even, when It's in another language.
 This musical took place between 2005-2007 and it's absolutely worthy to see it! Not only the plot is interesting (its context is, as the title says, the life of Louis XIV), but the actors, actresses, dancers, coreographies, songs,clothes,...everything is amazing here!.....

It was produced by Albert Cohen and Kamel Ouali, and the starrings were Emmnuel Moire (Le Roi Soleil), Anne Laure Girbal,Christophe Maé, Cathialine Andria, Merwan Rim, Victoria Petrosillo, and Lysa Ansaldi. 

All of them can sing, and they do it absolutely well! But, in addition, they're helped by beautiful lyrics and melodies, that make you enjoy what you're listening, even when it's sung in a language you don't know....

Here there are some songs of the play, which are my favourites:

Être a la hauteur (spanish subtitles):

Mon Essentiel

Also, many of those actors and actresses are now well-known singers in France, and are having a succesful career'd be awesome, the rest of the world would know a little be more about them...cause they're completly enjoyable!....and their music is pretty good!

So, go to youtube, search "Le Roi Soleil" and you'll find the play completly, and even with spanish subtitles.
Au Revoir!

martes, 19 de octubre de 2010

Hasta la vista, Capitán

I think there's no other perfect option for my first blog, that to write one of my favourites sentences.
Aerosmith in a song called 'Amazing' says: 'Life is a journey not a destination'........And I completly agree.
As in all the journeys, we have a lot of expectations, wishes, excitment and options. We have sad moments which are compared with those rainy days that spoil your plans, but on the other hand, we have wonderful shiny days where you live moments you'll keep for the rest of your life.
 In addition, Life is like that journey where all the things you don't plan to do, are even better. Discovering places you never imagined before, meeting people who arrive to your life to stay or saying 'goodbye' to other ones who always were there, and finding yourself in uniques situations completly new for you.
That's how I see Life. You don't know where you're gonna end, and you don't even care.However, that's what makes life to be wonderful. That mystery that surrounds you, that makes you be the owner of your life, or better said, to be the Captain of your own voyage!